Post 8 – Content & copyright

We started the class with doing a website critique of this We were asked to search the name and click on the first website that we see, and this is what my design critique are:

The first impressions of this site are that the color choice is very disturbing visually. That orange was so bad that I could not concentrate on the site at all. It is only one page, missing a navigation bar as well. It looks like a fan-site or someone’s project instead of the restaurant’s actual website. The use of visuals on the website is minimal. It could greatly benefit from more mouth-watering food images to entice visitors to dine at Shabusen. High-quality photos of the restaurants signature dishes and a glimpse of the interior atmosphere would add value to this site. The website lacks visible links or icons to connect with Shabusen’s social media accounts. Integrating social media buttons would allow visitors to engage with the restaurant outside of the wesbite and keep up with their latest updates and promotions. 

This week we talked about copyright and content and how both are important, specially in the publishing world. actively engaging with diverse content. And she says that practise practise practise is very important. We were first asked about what is copyright? According to me copyright refers to the legal right of the owner of any property. This means that the original creators of that property and anyone else who has been authorized to that property are the only ones with exclusive rights to use that property however they want.

In the publishing world we found that books get legal protection for 14 years. In the beginning, publishers get the exclusive rights to a book. This helps them make money on it and then invest it for more things as well. After those 14years, the authors (the people who wrote the books), get the rights for another 14 years. This way everyone gets a fair share and keeps a good balance between letting people making money from their ideas.

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