Post 7 – Eva’s presentation and digital literacy insights

group 7 question: california school installs litter-box-style bathroom for students who identify as cats

In the realm of digital expression, Eva a classmate of ours emphasizes the importance of constant note-taking as the foundation of a simple yet informative presentation. To elevate her content, she advocates for the continous editing and revision of blog posts, ensuring they reflect your thoughts and online self and stay up-to-date. Eva is a firm believer of being both a creator but also a consumer, producing material that expresses her thoughts while actively engaging with diverse content. And she says that practise practise practise is very important.

In this digital world, the prevalence of deceptive websites poses a significant threat. There are so many misleading platforms on the web today, even sponsored sites you see at the top of a google search cam be fake and misleading, adding an extra layer to the complexity of online information.  We differentiated between misinformation (Bill gates is implanting chips), Disinformation(Lies spread during elections by interested parties and celebs) and Malinformation.

We dived into Digital literacy by Mike Claufield who said reasoning and critical thinking are crucial tools in navigating the online discourse. Three are particularly three impactful biases: Digital Amnesia, Ikea Effect and Automation Bias. In order to understand all of this better we in class were asked to evaluate on how active are we in modelling digital literacy? Have we ever shared a post without reading it? Do we check and read the news before sharing it? How many resources do we consult with in research on a topic before finalizing a opinion? Then we were divided in groups to research on a topic below and answer the queastions asked above. 


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