Post 11 – Muliple media, channel and the kahoot game

In the online world, people read from different platforms and interpret everything found online in their own way, no two people view one thing in the same specially when they get their information from online platforms. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram,  TikToks, Snapchat, WhatsApp are the top digital platforms that people use to relay their message and information to others. Having my own website and my online-presence through the site, I have to utilize multiple platforms to expand and share my online presence to people. My website is about football hence I have to use my social media accounts and reach out to people who are interested in my website. For example on twitter i follow a lot of people who discuss about football, this makes it best platform for me to post and inform this community about my online presence as this will help gain me online traffic and also increase my reach to people.

In class we participated in two activities as well. 

1) On Kahoot we competed as individuals about questions related to AI. This was a fun activity to get everyone to contribute to the class. My result below!

jai came 7th in the rankings
J nearly at the podium, in the kahoot game

2) A group discussion where we were given statement related to AI. We had to come up with its benefits and drawbacks and then ask the whole question a question of our own. Below is a picture of our question and also pointers from our group discussion.

Our question to the class is: At what age or grade should AI start being integrated in the education world? 

the integration of AI in education: "Artificial Intelligence in education could either significantly enhance the learning experience or create a gap due to unequal access to technology. Discuss the potential benefits and drawbacks.

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