
My blog website began as a vlog-style platform, where I wanted to showcase the behind-the-scenes activities of a DJ, including music production and live set performances. The initial plan was to commence by discussing and demonstrating the equipment I own, followed by an exploration of various music genres and vlogs documenting my DJ sets. This concept intrigued me greatly, as I had never ventured into creating a YouTube channel, and I recognized  the potential it held for unlocking numerous opportunities in the realm of social media.

However, I soon came to the realization that I lacked both the content and equipment necessary to film myself, operate the decks and record the live on-screen software simultaneously. This left me in a state of conflict, pondering whether pursuing a DJ-focused website was the right path for me.

showing a venn diagram, with the website owners interests

The third week of class, with the activity of creating a vision board, was highly beneficial and greatly aided me in deciding the direction for my website. At present, my interests revolve around the latest technology, music, sports and design. I was initially torn between starting a blog centered on technology or sports, but the ideas generated by the vision board were persuasive in guiding me towards creating a blog focused on a football game I frequently play.

Football Manager, a tactical simulation game that I engage with almost every week, served as the inspiration for this decision. Writing about the best tips and advice related to this game can be highly valuable to others. I vividly recall on my own struggles when I first began playing the game in 2017. The minute details and complexity of the game left me feeling lost and confused. I had to turn to online resources to understand aspects such as scheduling training sessions and making transfers. Therefore, my vision board was refined to solely encompass the game, and I diligently noted down all the ideas related to the game that would shape the content of my website.

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