Hailey Mark’s “The Hailey Mark” website is a all about the power of youthful ambition, creativity and determination and as per the name its about the lifestyle of Hailey. After going through the website, I have added my constructive review below about the website. 
The Design:

Coming across The Home Page, my first impression of the website is that its related to music and that being the center piece around which the whole website is made. You even come across the “Join the Chaos” button that goes really well with this high angle, very well lit selfie of Hailey herself. The overall design of the home page is well done with the accessibility tool integrates as well which is good to see.  The About Me page follows the websites design and layout, the color palette as well. The  pictures are well laid out, and when you howe over them you can view the pictures on her instagram which shows a good connection between her website and social media’s online self. 

The navigation bar at the top on The Home Page is not readable since its on black font, initially I did not know if there was a menu bar at the top or not. The home page also a white black tile going through the site between the main image and the 3 images in the 2nd half of the page. This takes away from the desin, perhaps adding some subheading to explain what is being shown below would be helpful here.

Theme and Customization:

Hailey theme is well chosen and goes with the whole aesthetic and design decision she has made. She has customized and integrated the theme very well in The Process Posts which layouts each posts well in a 2-column format giving the viewer a good glance at what the post is about before diving deep into reading one of them. This theme and layout is also followed into The Mini Assignments where they are well laid out. There are lots of use of pictures and videos in her website, and she has chosen a good website that allows her to post them very well so that the viewer can just hit and play. Posting them at top of a Mini Assignment or a Blog/Vlog post is a good idea as well. 

Website Usability and Layout:
The website is well laid out, which is also explained in her process post. This helps the user usability as I knew where to find what I was looking for in terms of a post or blog. The menus are well organized as well. 
Accessibility Tools and Responsiveness:
The website is well laid out, which is also explained in her process post. This helps the user usability as I knew where to find what I was looking for in terms of a post or blog. The menus are well organized as well. 

Link to her wesbite is also attached here: The Hailey Mark

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