In the current era of technological marvels and innovations in this industry, the emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) now stands as a powerful force and the centerpiece to all the new technology that’s introduced in the world today. As we witness AI’s remarkable ascent, reminiscent of a digital phoenix, the ever-improving quality of its capabilities is nothing short of awe-inspiring. However, it is not just the rapid pace of AI’s evolution that keeps us on the edge of our seats; the duel for supremacy between tech titans like Google and Microsoft adds a dramatic twist to this narrative. In this essay, we’ll explore how AI is becoming a big part of the life on a content creator. We’ll think about whether we should stop it from being everywhere or use its powerful tools to make the world a better place.

AI has already made significant strides in the content creation industry. Generative AI applications such as ChatGPT, Dall-e and Midjourney are threatening to upset the special status of creativity as a uniquely human quality specially when it comes to content creation for work or social media influencer purposes. As the article mentions, the “creator economy” is currently valued at around 14 billion per year (De Cremer, 2023). Generative AI features in software and applications produce content for users/creators in the form of text, images and audio, video, or a combination of each other as well. As such the work of content creators be that be them writing, creating images, coding, designing all these tasks which earlier required rigorous hours to create now seem to have been affected by generative AI in some way or the other. It is raising a question on how Generative AI is impacting the world of content creators and the articles raise three possible scenarios explaining that impact. 

The first scenario is creators using AI to augment their work and increase productivity and engagement as well. For example, AI can be used to generate ideas for content or writing headlines helping and assisting them if needed. The second scenario is where generative AI creates cheap content for the creator, reducing the human creativity from it. This would make a gap between the very successful creators making a living whereas the rest would be left behind due to the cheap and low-quality content from AI. The third scenario is impacted by the previous two where the authentic human-made content creator’s work rate will be at a premium as it will become more valuable than the generative AI-created content (De Cremer, 2023). So how does AI need to help content creators the right way instead of negatively impacting the content being made? I believe that we should find ways to best use the AI tools to augment human creativity, leading to greater productivity and efficiency. For example, video creations take time for a content creator, they must look through videos and edit and render. There is website like makes it easier for the creator to find the exact video by text and even help edit them in a particular template saving up time. If a content creator who does daily Instagram posts, they would benefit with the help of using ChatGPT AI to write their captions for the content they have made so that it makes the process efficient. As the research suggests, 75% of creators use generative AI that helps them create more content than they would without it. 

While there are questions about if AI will replace content creators, researchers believe AI will only be there to assist creators to produce content in shorter time. However creators should be aware of the negative consequences of heavily relying on AI, for example AI generated content would not have the emotional and human touch to the content that is generated, which could also affect the creator’s interaction with the audience if it’s not edited or given that human creativity to it. AI is not capable of understanding the human emotion, and it cannot replace the originality of the content creator. Therefore, creators should rely on and take help from AI to help make their content creation effective. And this is the best solution as the world is heavily relying on AI now and there is no way for anyone to ban AI in any field. In conclusion, the looming impact of AI for the content creators is both fascinating and concerning for some. While AI has the potential to completely revolutionize the content creation, it also has its limitations. By using AI to augment the content being created, creators can ensure that the consent creation industry continues to thrive.


De Cremer, D., Bianzino, N. M., & Falk, B. (2023, April 13). How Generative AI Could Disrupt Creative Work. Harvard Business Review. 


Kshetri, N. (2021). The emerging role of artificial intelligence in content creation. Journal of Business Research, 122, 411-420. 


O’Neil, C. (2016). Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy. Crown.


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