the password game, showing some answers and questions

The first PUB101 class was different from all other classes i have ever attended in the university. Usually expecting to hear about the strong weekly assignment deadlines and exams, this class was unlike them. Starting off with sharing some funny social media memes and social trending topic going on and discussing all of that through memento was a very fun start to the class. Suzanne has introduced me to the best ice-breaker – The Password Game. This was so much fun to play with the people who were sitting around me and in fact I ended up being in the same group as someone who I see around the downtown campus very often which was funny.

Making a website for the course and having that as one of the main projects was exciting specially because we can choose any topic we want. This had me looking forward to the course in general and already working on some idea on what my site can be to best express myself. Just then I find out that we had to use WordPress to make it, which is different than what I have used before when I made my digital portfolio on Wix. The same day I go back home to try and set up the domain and wordpress and the struggles were real. Its the first 2 days and I could not even find how the right plan we were supposed to pick on website and then I just gave up on it for a couple of days.

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